Teagan Rayne

Teagan is a full ACTRA member. 

Teagan is a happy, outgoing and active 11 year old who loves the camera and people. Living in Toronto Teagan takes advantage of our four seasons and does a variety of sports and activities.  
She loves to sing and dance and makes friends easily in all situations.

Teagan is currently an Allstar Cheerleader with CheerForce AllStars and loves being a flyer on her team. This year she has enjoyed competing in the Junior division. At 11 years old she is the second youngest on her team of 12-17 year olds.  She has been focusing on her tumbling this year and is currently working towards landing her back layout. 

Teagan has keen musical ear and is interested in learning how to play the cello. Teagan has also found a love for flying trapeze after learning to catch her splits.  She shows no fear in new activities and will always try new and exciting things.  

Teagan loves creating and everything about the film world. She has goals to make her own movie one day and her grade 4 science fair project on "Movie Magic" was selected to compete at the school wide science fair. 

When she isn't acting or auditioning she loves to ride her bike, swim, climb, tumble, and sing and dance along with her favourite broadway shows.

Check out her iMDB HERE

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